
January 25, 2011

Castle Rock SP Part 2

Previously…"Flashing something you saw 10 years ago in some obscure out of print VHS tape was something I never thought I'd be able to do. It felt great to flash a classic. two classic down, two to go."

We packed up and headed for the "gem" of Goat Rock, Planet Caravan. I don't see how it is a gem since
A) It's lower than my high school GPA
B) MAJOR dab potential thanks to the protruding rock behind your head at the crux

Once figuring out where to go and what to grab, it was just a matter of putting on our shoes and climbing it. The holds are all there and really positive. It makes for a good onsight when you don't have to worry about shitty holds. I filmed Chris on it and we headed to Way Dubious Contortionist to get that out of the way and done with. I had heard about this problem and had no idea where it was. Chris knew it as the 5.11 Problem. There re five problems on the wall, two of which start from the jug (Way Dubious Contortionist and Technical Contortionist) and two start from the undercling (Way Dubious Contortionist Low and Technical Contortionist Low).

Seeing the lower undercling variation looked more challenging, we started off that. It looked like it was the logical place to start in my mind. Chris did the problem 2nd try while I managed a 3rd try attempt after tweaking my back out second try. Chris then proceeded to do Technical Contortionist as the Castle Rock gods said, "Not today son."

Castle Rock temps are good. It's amazing, because I have never been this psyched on Castle Rock.

Thanks for reading!

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